Daily Changes in the New Year

  • Posted by: Nina Rand
Infographic with the heart at the center of things

Little Changes You Can Make in the New Year to Make a Big Impact on Your Heart Health

There’s plenty of information out there on habits that are hurting your heart health, how to deal with inevitable stress, and all the big-bad-scary things in this world wreaking havoc on our cardiovascular systems. But that doesn’t mean our hearts are doomed.

Because properly taking care of your heart health doesn’t require you to spend hours in the gym every day, to remain in a constant meditative state, or to never open another bag of chips again. It’s actually much more attainable than that for most.

Just like any New Year’s resolution, little changes are usually the ones you’ll actually stick to and, therefore, will actually make a difference. (Bonus points if they’re easy, accessible, and don’t require their own budget!)

That’s why we’re giving you four little changes you can make in the new year that’ll have a big impact on your heart health—each one included for both its effortlessness and effectiveness.

Before we do though, a disclaimer. If you have preexisting conditions or a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular conditions, please carefully follow your cardiologist’s recommendations. The recommendations in this article are not to be taken as medical advice or replace the judgment of your healthcare providers.


  1. Take a walk after a meal.

Couple walking on a nice day to improve health

A short walk. A brisk walk. A long walk. Any type of walk works. In fact, CNN News reported a study that showed that walking for even just two minutes after a meal can lower your blood sugar, help you lose weight.

Recruit your whole family to give everyone a chance to connect with loved ones, discuss the day, and nurture important relationships—all of which boost happy hormones and lower stress levels (aka support your heart health).

  1. Commit to one social media-free day per weekend.

Woman using smartphone to connect with friends

Bonus points if you challenge yourself to go cold turkey for the entire weekend!

Social media is great for connection, community, and creativity. But there’s also a dark side to social media. One that can keep us stuck in a comparison mindset or create negative thoughts that drown out feelings of gratitude—all of which can elevate our stress levels and take a toll on our cardiovascular systems.

Place your phone somewhere out of sight for one day a weekend to spend the day social media-free. This small change can help you disconnect from doom scrolling, take time to appreciate the present moment, and be more present with your friends or family.

  1. Do something kind for yourself daily.

Man enjoying the small moments on a nice day

In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to wake up and run straight to your to-do list, moving from task to task until you close your eyes at night.

But when you take the time—even 15 minutes—to do something you enjoy, you’ll be able to show up as your best self elsewhere.

Now, this doesn’t need to be a monumental task. It can be as simple as watching an episode of your favorite TV show before you make dinner. Or stretching before bed. Or waking up before your kids to drink a cup of coffee in peace and quiet. Or using the fancy epsom salts in your bath instead of saving them for “someday.”

These small moments can make all the difference in how your body responds to stressors throughout the day. Which means that every time you do something kind for yourself, you’re giving your heart health some extra love too.

  1. See a cardiologist for an annual check-up.

Doctor making heart sign

By far, our favorite way for you to show your heart some love next year is to schedule an annual exam with our team of cardiologists.

Schedule your visit online or call us at 281-358-1950.

Now tell us, what small ways are you showing your heart health some extra love in the new year?